Saturday, 7 April 2012


During the planning of our title sequence we considered having a weapon such as a knife to suggest that a murder had occurred. However, we came to a decision that not having a knife would be better as we didn't want to give the narrative away. It also meant that it wouldn’t be seen as more of a horror, comedy thriller or gory thriller. Depending on how we filmed the scenes, this meant that our title sequence could have fell into one of these genres and so would not have made our title sequence as effective because the tension may not have been built up so much due to the knife being in shot.
After deciding that we weren’t going to use a weapon in our title sequence the only main concern was the location as we wanted the central protagonist to be running through the woods and so we had to plan our filming so that we chose a day where we knew it want going to rain as this would have made the ground all muddy and so it wouldn’t have been safe for the little girl to go running in. When we arrived at the location where we were going to film we also had to move some large branches and logs that were in the way. This was mainly because we didn't want anyone falling over or tripping on the logs. As we filmed most of our title sequence in the middle of December, it meant that it was quite cold and so we didn't want to spend lots of time outside and so planning before we filmed was the best way to avoid this.

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