Wednesday 28 March 2012


As we filmed our clips for our title sequence during the morning it meant that there was lots of light and the shadows were quite subtle. This subverts to the conventions of a thriller as it is uncommon to have a thriller filmed in a brightly lit location as it doesn't go with the scene and the sinister narrative. We thought that by filming during the day we would be able to edit our title sequence using 'Final Cut Pro', this meant that we could change the brightness so that the shadows appeared more prominent and adhered to the conventions of a thriller.

We used the three-way colour corrector in order to change the decrease the saturation so that the scene didn’t look so bright. After experimenting with this effect we found that we liked this better than having the black and white effect with the red ribbon as you still have some of the colours in the shot as well as the less saturated colours. This helps to focus on the subject within the shot as the background has been de-saturated and the subject is still quite bright and so this would make the character or objects stand out and would suggest that these are significant within the narrative.

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