Wednesday 28 March 2012


We have used the image from the film ‘Schindler’s List’ as we really liked the use of the black and white effect with a hint of red. Although we did not use this idea within our title sequence, this featured a big part in our planning as we discussed ways in which we could incorporate this idea and so we came up with having the ribbon in red  so that it would appear quite prominent and signify death as implied within ‘Schindler’s List’. We really wanted to get the idea of death, blood, lust, violence and evil across as these are the main themes within our title sequence. By changing the saturation levels, there are more shadows dark areas and so this would suggest that evil is all around the little girl and that she is in danger because the red ribbon in her hair would help to suggest this. As we have used a little girl as the central protagonist this emphasises that evil is doing to destroy innocence. Contemporary viewers may see this as a stereotypical murder or crime case as it is often see within modern society that young girls are the victim of crimes committed by older men. This may because young girls are deemed to be more vulnerable because of this belief and so this could make the audience think that the film focuses on the more stereotypical murder involving a young child.

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