Sunday 25 March 2012


When we were planning we discussed a range of locations and we decided that we wanted to film the first section of our title sequence on a field in order to show the little girl’s isolation. This would build tension because there is no one around her and then you see the killer. We wanted to show this using a tracking shot, where the camera moved round the girl so that you could see her in the big field.

The film ‘The Omen’ inspired us because we really liked the idea of having a young child in the forest and so we have used this location in our title sequence. When we filmed our title sequence we didn't have a bin in the shot however, if we had of done it would have suggested that it is a place where people would walk and that there would be people about and that the little girl may not be as isolated as she thinks. The trees cast lots of shadows and this is effective especially as we are filming a thriller title sequence as it appears a lot more sinister and suggests that danger is out there and that the killer could be hiding behind any one of the trees.

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