Friday, 23 March 2012


During the planning of our title sequence we found that we really wanted to incorporate the  idea of having a little girl as the central protagonist. As we were creating a title sequence for a thriller we knew that we had to have a villain and also include the theme of death. At the beginning of our planning period we were discussing different films that included the death of young children and ‘The Lovely Bones’ was one of the suggestions. We really liked the idea of having a thriller that focused on the death of young girls and the real identity of the killer. Within ‘The Lovely Bones’ there is a balance between the horrific violence and the idea of the young girl’s personal heaven and so this gives a less sinister feeling to it. For our title sequence we wanted to suggest this menacing behavior as well as maintaining the idea of mystery and so this would engage the audience and keep them in suspense. Our narrative is based around the death of young girls, but is mainly focused on the death of the first girl. It creates suspense and mystery as you don’t know the identity of the killer and so it also looks at the crime side of a thriller. In our title sequence we wanted the killer to be portrayed as a calculated and remorseless character as well as being an unsuspected character within the thriller.

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