Monday, 19 March 2012


In the planning period for our title sequence we created a mood board so that we could record our different ideas and inspirations for our title sequence.

When looking at the different film covers we found that we liked how the silhouette in the background of the “When a Stranger Calls” image. The backlighting used in this image makes the person appear quite sinister as they have no sense of identity. The juxtaposition also creates a binary opposition as the dominant character in the foreground appears quite innocent and vulnerable. Whereas the silhouette in the background is quite subtle as if to be preying on the young girl and so this would suggest menacing and sinister behaviour. ‘The Secret in their Eyes’ is a contrast of ‘When a Stranger Calls’ as the silhouette is in the foreground and the young woman is in the foreground, this suggests that the woman is looking in on dark and menacing behaviour.

We chose to include the film ‘Orphan’ in our mood board as we really liked the style of the font as it looks as if its scratched into a surface, which implies a sense of obsession and violence and so we thought that this would relate to our title sequence as the killer has an obsession with killing young girls. We really liked the narrative in the ‘Lovely Bones’ and so we have taken different ideas from the film. The lighting used for ‘The Secret Window’ is interesting as it half of his face is lit and the other half is in the shadows, this suggests that the protagonist has two different personalities and that he has an innocent side as well as a more darker and menacing side.

The image for ‘The Omen’ is interesting as a child represents innocence, however, the dark shadows and backlighting suggest that there is more to this child than meets the eye as her has no sense of identity and so this makes him quite menacing and sinister. The juxtaposition of the child in the light white background contrast as it suggests that with all the innocence in the world there is corruption and impurity somewhere within it and that we may not always see it. This is suggested because we cannot see his identity.

We have chosen ‘The Hole’ because we really liked the viewpoint of this image. It also shows the contrast between the bright light at the end of the hole and also the dark shadows. This made us discuss the different effects and lighting we could use within our title sequence. We also discussed the use of inverting black and white images so that you get a negative effect, as shown in the image for ‘Open House’. This makes the house appear more prominent and so it looks quite sinister and menacing and also creates a sense of mystery. By doing this it also disrupts the equilibrium and so this would also add to the ominous atmosphere.

We considered having a frame within our title sequence that was inspired by ‘Primal Doubt’ where the killer’s face is seen in the knife. After discussing this we decided that this would give too much of the narrative away and so we were against using this idea in our title sequence.

The image for ‘Schindler’s List’ was really interesting as the German soldiers juxtapose the young girl and so this suggests that evil is dominant over innocence. We really liked the fact that everything is in black and white apart from the little girl’s coat. There are many signifiers and connotations within this image as the black signifies death and evil, whereas the red signifies death. The use of white in this image is important as it could have been used to signify purity. The little girl is a pure shade of white and so this would suggest that she signifies purity because she is an innocent child. The white could also be used to signify purity as the Germans wanted a pure Arian race and so by wearing the red coat this could imply that she is going to die within the narrative.

By creating a mood board we have been able to discuss different ideas which have inspired us and also influenced our title sequence.

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