Wednesday 28 March 2012


After watching the title sequence for 'Seven' we were influenced by the editing and so we decided to incorporate the use of vignettes within our own production because it helps to establish a tense mood indicative of the thriller genre. We have applied the vignette effect to most of the shots within the title sequence as it makes it appear that there are lots of shadows, which is significant within thrillers.

The use of vignettes makes the audience focus on what is happening in the shot as the oval section where the vignette ends is lighter than other sections and so this also makes the audience focus on what is happening in the shot. I think that the vignette effect with the artificial lighting is particularly effective because you have the light of the torch contrasting the harsh shadows and the vignette effect. We have used this idea to adhere to the conventions of thrillers by trying to create lots of shadows in order to distort the shots and create suspense.

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